One beautiful thing about writing fiction is how it lets you unfold your imagination. What you visualize inside your head,…
My author newsletter is undergoing a change. Strange New Worlds will officially launch in August on Substack. It will offer…
Following a strictly linear narrative does not work for every story. Imagine how boring a detective story would be if…
Ever watch a movie and quickly become frustrated with the direction the story takes? We’ve all experienced this feeling from…
“From a young age, John Coon had an active imagination and creative energy. His mom instilled a love of reading…
I added a new wrinkle to my marketing efforts for Under a Fallen Sun. I signed up for a week-long…
The wait is finally over. My second novel is officially published. Under a Fallen Sun is now out in the…
Whenever I buy or rent a movie or a season of a TV show, I always check out the DVD…
Building fictional worlds is so much fun as an author. One of the best parts is weaving backstories for each…
Everyone has watched a movie trailer at one point or another. Ever heard of a book trailer? Same concept, only…